Quick guide

Portal GeoHrvatska namijenjen je građanima, odnosno svim korisnicima koji žele korištenjem službenih prostornih podataka tijela javne vlasti Republike Hrvatske upoznati i istražiti prostor koji nas okružuje. Razvojem portala povećati će se dostupnost prostornih podataka tijela javne vlasti te će se dijeljenjem i korištenjem istih podići razina transparentnosti. Ovaj portal objedinjuje odabrane prostorne podatke subjekata NIPP-a, dostupne putem mrežnih usluga pregleda i preuzimanja, te ih povezuje na interoperabilan način, što je i krajnji cilj NIPP-a i INSPIRE-a.

Mnogi od dostupnih prostornih podataka imaju direktni utjecaj na kvalitetu života svakoga od nas: kvaliteta zraka, razine buke, informacija o različitim odlagalištima ili rasporedu mobilnih repetitora samo su neki od njih. Lociranjem korisnika i prikazom prostornih podataka određene tematske kategorije u njegovoj blizini omogućuje se građanima da steknu uvid u podatke koji ih okružuju. Izgradnja sustava je u potpunosti prilagođena pristupu s mobilnih uređaja, odnosno ima responzivan dizajn s naglaskom na kartografski prikaz okruženja korisnika.


The NSDI subjects have jurisdiction over the information presented, that is, public authorities that are entered in the Register of NSDI Subjects, and in whose jurisdiction, based on legal regulations, the spatial data are listed.

Although the GeoHrvatska portal shows official data from NSDI subjects, the information available is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for official purposes. For further use of the data, it is necessary to contact the institution in charge of the data.

The GeoHrvatska portal covers six thematic areas that contain spatial data that the user can view by selecting a theme area icon or selecting theme form the Themed areas drop-down menu. After selecting a theme area, the system displays the predefined spatial data of NSDI subject which are visible in the layer tree on the left side of the screen. The user can manage the layers by clicking on them, changing visibility on the map. Hovering a mouse over each layer displays its legend. The layer tree can be closed by clicking the “X” in the upper right corner of the menu, making the data view more transparent and expanding again by clicking the Manage layers icon.

Clicking on the “Locate me” tool, the map view is positioned at the user’s current location if available. This way, the user sees the data in their immediate vicinity from the layers of the selected topic area.

To enable location functionality, the user must allow using his location by the system. After the user opens the portal or click on the „Locate me“ button, browser will show a confirmation dialog for accessing user's current location.

By selecting the “Data around me” tool, the user is shown the data closest to the location where he is currently positioned on the map, that is, the data closest to the center of the screen.

Searching is done by entering search text in the box in the upper left corner of the view and can be searched by geographic name, street and house number, making it easy for the user to position themselves in the area or address they want.

Clicking on an object on the map opens up more information about the object, such as measured air quality, transmitter type, etc.

The “Measure length” tool is used so that the user starts measuring the length with a mouse click, then draws a line on the map and, if necessary, clicks the points on the line and double-clicks the end of the line drawing. The measurement value is printed along the line generated during the measurement. The “Measure area” tool is used so that the user clicks on the mouse to start measuring and draws a polygon by moving the mouse around the map and adding the vertices of the polygons and double-clicking the end of drawing the polygon. The surface and circumference of the polygon is printed inside the polygon created during the measurement. Clicking the “Clear measures” tool, deletes previously measured values from the screen.

The “Draw” tool allows the user to draw a point, line or polygon. The tool is used so that the user starts drawing the line/polygon by clicking the mouse, then by moving the mouse on the map and if necessary, clicking the point on the line or the vertices of the polygons and double-clicking the end of the line/polygon.

Selecting the “Print” tool opens a screen where the user determines the orientation, format and size of the paper, and clicking the “Print” button creates a digital document that can be printed on the printer.

“Share Map” tool is a feature that allows sharing current view, to other users by using social networks QR codes or copying a link.